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General Conditions

Zami, who company owner is Calzado Saludable SL (CIF: ESB16703449), is registered in the Registry of Distance Selling Companies under number 2014/1710/01/41/5/V in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 225/2006 of 24 February, which regulates certain aspects of distance selling.

In compliance with the provisions of the current regulations regarding electronic trading on distance sales items:

Law 34/2002 of 11 July. Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November. Decree 152/2001 of 13 September. 

ZaMi reports

A. The ownership of the domain of our shop www.zami.es corresponds to Calzado Saludable SL (CIF:ESB16703449), and the following contact information:

  • Address: Calle Antonia Diaz, 14C, 41620 Marchena (Sevilla), Spain
  • Phone: 693 714 444
  • Email: customer service

B. These conditions of contract apply to the sale of all Zami products in the website www.zami.es available to any user. The use by customer of Zami services assume, in any case, the adherence to the General Terms and Conditions in the version published by Zami in the moment of the purchase order. It is therefore desirable that the customer read the Terms and Conditions before proceeding to make a purchase. These general conditions of sale are the only applicable, and replace any another general condition, except for prior articulate written cancellation. Zami may occasionally modify sections of its general conditions, so it is advisable to read it in each visit to www.zami.es. These modifications are attributable in the same day of publishing on the Internet and they not apply to contracts concluded earlier. Each purchase on the website is governed by the general conditions applicable on the date of the order. We consider that once you have made an order, you have accepted our terms of sale after reading them.

C. The products characteristics will be reflected in the corresponding pages of this website.

D. All products that appear on this website are subject to the legal guarantees described in RDL 1/2007, with ZaMi being the one who handles the process in warranty cases throughout the Spanish territory. The duration of this guarantee for products of a durable nature and of the hardness stipulated by law is two years* from the date appearing on the invoice or purchase receipt in which the item is identified. Likewise, all our brands and suppliers have a technical and after-sales service available to the buyer to which any product can be sent through ZaMi.

*Although, taking into account that the products marketed on this website have a shelf life of less than two years, these will be applied taking into account the nature of the product marketed and the use that the consumer makes of it. Therefore, all those inherent to/derived from the use and/or maintenance of the footwear will not be considered a defect: wear, bumps, scratches, inappropriate use, incorrect cleaning, lack of maintenance, modifications, use of external elements such as insoles or similar that are not typical of the original footwear and that may damage/modify the footwear internally or externally.

The footwear appraisal will be carried out by the corresponding footwear brand. For this, Zami will provide the brand with all the information that the user has provided: photos, videos, etc. through the contact email provided by Zami. The brand is knowledgeable about all of its products and in depth: parts, pieces, joints, materials, manufacturing processes, etc.; and therefore they are qualified to examine and determine the existence of a possible defect in the footwear of the corresponding brand.

In the event of a defect, ZaMi will respond by recognizing the consumer's right to repair the item or replace it, and if this is not possible, to reduce the price or terminate the contract. Always within the limits of possibility or proportionality.

In the event that the brand does not consider it a defect, ZaMi can offer an alternative solution, which will be linked as far as possible with the company's sustainability philosophy expressed below in the section "Commitment to sustainability and community".

E. Delivery costs and transportation are those that appear on this website (Link)

F. Zami reserves the right to make, at any time and without notice, changes it deems appropriate and can update, even daily, products and prices depending on the developments in the sector to which they belong. The term and validity of the prices of products offered will be always till the end of stock.

G. Completing and sending the order form is deemed you accept the terms of the contract, not being regarded as a commercial proposition.

H.- Zami orders filed the information in a database and the client with his/her email and password will have access to it to identify or correct any data when the client deemed appropriate. By the time an user is logged on our server or make an order, his/her personal information, domiciliary data and those relating to payment, they are incorporated into our database, using them only to process the client order and to send information on offers and services that may be interest. Zami ensures data confidentiality provided by our customers, ensuring that in any case will be transferred to third persons or entities, pursuant to the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data. It will be understood that the client accepts the conditions and pay all required consents pressing 'accept' on the data collection forms.

ZaMi: Commitment to sustainability and community

From the ZaMi team we firmly believe in the importance of taking responsible measures to reduce our impact on the planet and contribute to the community.

One of the ways we demonstrate our commitment is through our shoe restoration policy. That is why, whenever possible, we first choose to offer the restoration of footwear in a shoe store that the user has in their area, instead of promoting replacement. Cases like:

    Loose stitching
    Small sole detachment
    loose rivet
    Lace a little frayed, etc.

By doing this, multiple benefits are obtained for both the environment and the community.

1. Firstly, by repairing instead of disposing, we are avoiding the generation of unnecessary waste.

The footwear industry is known for its ecological footprint, due to the materials used and manufacturing processes. By extending the life of footwear through repairs, we are reducing the amount of products that end up in landfills, contributing to a more circular economy.

2. Secondly, it helps reduce the transportation necessary to produce and distribute new pairs of shoes, contributing to the reduction in associated carbon emissions.

3. Third, restoring through local shoemakers encourages local commerce and strengthens our communities.

Also helping to maintain a trade that provides a service:

    With experience
    With magnificent results
    And in a very short time

So the message is simple: Take care of your footwear with the same care that you take care of your feet.

To find out how easy it is to repair minimalist footwear or to know everything about the care and maintenance of your minimalist shoes, click here.

In the event that it is not possible to repair in a shoe store or through our repair service in our facilities, an exchange of the pair or a return will be processed. To process any of the above options (exchange or return) it is necessary to have the footwear in our facilities.