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The question we were asked by a Cuban is not very mysterious. We get it every week, but what is different is the way he realised it himself.
I can say, he had an 'awakening'.
You see, Mario is a middle-aged Cuban who called us to ask how to do a size change.
He was wondering if more room was better. The shoes he had received felt fine, a little tight, but since he felt that way with the shoes he had, he didn't know if the minimalist shoes were any different.
So she called to see if this is how she should feel or if not she should change to a bigger size.
Let's see, this feeling is very normal and happens to many people who wear a minimalist shoe for the first time.
We are so used to wearing narrow shoes, that when we try on minimalist shoes we expect that feeling.
In fact, many people find strange the space that minimalist shoes give you.
What I was getting at.
When Mario calls to talk about his feelings, he also says that he has been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and bunions.
And talking about the space his toes need to move, he says that when he was a child one day he came across some shoes.
Mario remembers it as something great. He was always barefoot and when he saw the abandoned shoes he said: 'This is for me', and he put them on.
When he got home he was still excited and showed them to his father, who, after looking at them and touching the tip of the shoe, told him that they were too small for him, but Mario didn't listen to him. He wanted to wear shoes and even though they were too small, so he put them on.
And with that came his 'realisation'.
As he recounted it, he saw that the lack of space for his toes had always been a constant in his life.
Mario did not feel the discomfort of wearing narrow shoes, and if he did, his desire to wear the shoes was greater than the pain.
Unlike the lobster, which, when it grows and its shell gets too tight, abandons it while it makes a bigger one, even at the risk of being eaten.
And with this we come to the same thing as always, to how difficult it is to abandon a belief that has been in place for dozens of years.
Something so easy to see and so difficult to change.
Spacing, bunions, deviated toes... All this can be solved with two things.
Minimalist footwear and a toe corrector.
For footwear I recommend the new Lems Telluride boots, which allow you to walk in the cold without your feet hurting, unlike the typical stiff, narrow boots you see in all the shop windows.
And as a concealer, Correct Toes, the only ones you can wear while walking or running.
Health, and giving space, starts in your feet
Antonio Caballo.
Pd. By the way, changing size is very easy, you just have to follow the steps here, but first check if a toe fits between the heel of the foot and the shoes without having tied them, more info about the fit here.
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