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Last year around this time I wrote you a post with the title:What would I have liked to know when I started wearing minimalist shoes?Leer más
Last Wednesday I had a conversation that went a long way and that many podiatrists should read carefully.Leer más
There is a phrase that is said a lot when you want to justify that something you wear hurts you.Leer más
There's a question I get asked a lot, it's a rare week that someone doesn't ask it, but last week it took the biscuit.Leer más
I have chosen this title because this is what can happen to you if you go to a podiatrist for having toes that are too close together, that are mounted or deviated.You see.Leer más
If you're worried about getting older, I've got good news. You can slow down the rate at which you age and your feet can help you.Leer más
I don't know if you know this, but when minimalist footwear arrived in Spain-Europe there was no talk of bunions.Nor was there any talk of stiff feet, or metatarsalgia, or the neuroma of mordor, spurs, etc. .....Leer más
Two things about your feet that might interest you.The first one is about the Correct Toes concealers. What you are about to read is the best review I have ever read about them, and in these 12 years of Zami I have read quite a few.Leer más
Today I'm going to tell you about the love-hate relationship between your big toe and the mesh of your shoes.Leer más
There is a belief that if you run in cushioned shoes you can't use minimalist shoes.This statement is false.Leer más
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