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It happens a lot. Someone calls and the first thing they say is:“I'm looking for a shoe for my mother, it's not for me.I want to give them to her as a gift, but she has delicate feet.”Leer más
I know you already know the benefits of barefoot shoes.You wear them and for your child it is a non-negotiable. You know that with this type of footwear he will grow up with strong and well-formed feet.But let's get down to business:Can someone with osteoarthritis, torn meniscus, bunions and a lot of pain benefit from this type of footwear?Leer más
A few days ago, Paula called the shop to tell the following."Angel, my son surprised me with a little present..."Leer más
Well, today I tell you about a situation in the shop that got tense and left a bad taste in my mouth. It's the story of Manuel, an older, retired man from the village, and his wife.Leer más
The other afternoon, just when the sky decided to close in and release a seemingly endless rain, we received one of those unforgettable visits.Leer más
Last week, when the sun was beating down hard and the thermometer was climbing above 30, we had one of those visits you never forget.Leer más
The question we were asked by a Cuban is not very mysterious. We get it every week, but what is different is the way he realised it himself.Leer más
Last year around this time I wrote you a post with the title:What would I have liked to know when I started wearing minimalist shoes?Leer más
I have chosen this title because this is what can happen to you if you go to a podiatrist for having toes that are too close together, that are mounted or deviated.You see.Leer más
I don't know if you know this, but when minimalist footwear arrived in Spain-Europe there was no talk of bunions.Nor was there any talk of stiff feet, or metatarsalgia, or the neuroma of mordor, spurs, etc. .....Leer más
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