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New shoes. What excitement!
You put them on, look at yourself in the mirror and at that moment you think: "Pure elegance".
But as soon as you leave the house, things change:
A rub here.
A blister there.
And you walking like a duck just out of the water.
Now imagine someone tells you:
"Don't worry, I have the solution. We'll hire an assistant to wear your new shoes for a week. To tame them for you.
When they give them back to you, they will be as comfortable as slippers".
Sounds like a joke, doesn't it?
Well, this somewhat absurd idea appears in a movie and is as crazy as it is revealing.
Why does this happen with traditional shoes?
Simple. They are made to be fashionable
Heels and points.
Not to keep your feet comfortable inside them.
You spend money to spend the first days (or weeks) walking as if you had kicked a stone.
What a smart expense.
The good news is that there are alternatives.
Without needing to tame them, as if the shoes were wild horses.
And elegant, as much or more, as the cheesiest of Guccis.
If you don't know them yet, let me introduce you to ZAQQ.
These shoes have it all:
Forget about blisters, rubbing, and walking as if you've just come out of a boxing match.
With the barefoot Zaqq, you can attend a meeting, a wedding, or anywhere, and you won't even remember you're wearing shoes.
So stop suffering for fashion and switch to the barefoot side.
Red or Blue.
Health starts with your feet.
Antonio Caballo.
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